Verne Harnish - ScaleUp Expert, World-Renowned Speaker, Bestselling Author

Keynote Business Boost, 2020 – Amsterdam 

Whether educating over 7,000 in Amsterdam or an intimate group of 300 customers for a major client, Verne Harnish connects with his global audience in an unforgettable way.

Verne Harnish is founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), with over 18,000 members worldwide, and chaired for fifteen years EO’s premiere CEO program held at MIT, a program in which he still teaches today.

Founder and CEO of Scaling Up, a global executive education and coaching company with over 260 partners on six continents, Verne has spent the past four decades helping companies scale up.

He’s the author of the bestseller Mastering the Rockefeller Habits; authored The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time, for which Jim Collins wrote the foreword; and wrote Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0) which has been translated into 22 languages and has won eight major international book awards including the prestigious International Book Award for Best General Business book. His latest books Scaling Up Compensation and 12 Habits of Valuable Employees rocketed to the #1 HR books on Amazon upon release.

Verne serves on several boards including vice chair of The Riordan Clinic; co-founder and chair of Geoversity; and board member of the social venture Million Dollar Women. A private investor in many scaleups, Verne enjoys piano, tennis, and magic as a card-carrying member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.


Mergen Chuluun

Verne keynoted our Growth Summit in Ulaanbaatar where he presented via a video call to audience of over 600 top CEOs and executives in Mongolia; after his speech of about 45 min +15 min Q&A, there was standing ovation from the entire audience. It was fantastic. I’ve never seen such standing ovation from so many executives before, let alone for a presentation done over video call!  If you have questions about this format, I would be happy to share any info with you.


Sue Mackie

We continue to hear how much the members (U.S. Swim School Association) loved your presentation and they were able to take what was learned and put it to use immediately. I personally thought you were one of our best presenters in the past several years.


Kevin R. Wice

Verne really did make a difference! As a speaker, your unique presentation provided immense “take-home” value that the members will be able to apply immediately and directly to both their professional and personal lives!


Milan Yager

Verne’s presentation received high marks from our attendees… I think it was one of the best!


Joan Walsh Cassedy, CAE

Verne’s insights and remarks on Dominating Your Industry: The Four Critical Decisions were enthusiastically received by the audience and helped to make this a memorable event for all involved. His session earned a unanimous 6 out of 6 (the equivalent of a 10), with such comments as Outstanding session!, High energy-high value speaker!, and Should have been longer!


John Mcgrath

Verne your talk knocked me out!!! Again! You are without a doubt in the top 3 business speakers I have ever heard. Thanks you for making yourself available & your great wisdom. Feedback was incredible.


Mark Maier

Verne was pure shock and awe – he inspired and opened peoples’ minds to what is achievable and provided a robust framework through “Scaling Up” on how to succeed. He rocked the house!


Patrick Lencioni

This is THE field book for any growth business.


Ted Ledonsis

The undisputed expert in helping entrepreneurs, I had him address the firm I merged with AOL; he was the first speaker we invited when we launched what has become AOL University, and now he’s bringing his powerful ideas to you.


Tom Peters

Verne is THE guru of fast growth companies. Those who listen GROW and SUCCEED . . . so listen . . . or read!


Arnie Malham

Verne’s opening keynote address to our audience of over 850 Entrepreneurs was phenomenal. Of the 18 other celebrity and high profile keynote and breakout speakers, Verne was the highest rated (9.4 out of 10) and most talked about the speaker of the entire event. Verne’s amazingly insightful presentation drew a standing ovation, set the tone for the entire event, and left everyone feeling ready to learn even more. Verne absolutely ROCKED Nashville Nerve 2015.


Jay Kinder

NAEA has hosted events for thousands of business-minded real estate professionals and Verne Harnish was a great decision for the keynote. Our attendance was at an all-time high, the quality of attendee was unmatched, and his keynote shared many practical tools and techniques in a humorous and engaging manner bringing our audience to their feet at the end.


Michael George

Verne, I can’t thank you enough for the amazing keynote you gave at our conference to close our event! Everyone was engaged right until the end, and of course, your level of energy was the same coming off the stage as it was when you first stepped on the stage 90 minutes earlier! The reports back from our partners and my executive team alike was astounding as witnessed by the standing ovation you received.



Denise Thompson

Thank you for being such an integral part of our Secret Service Summit again. Your content is brilliant, inspiring and necessary. I’ve learned a great deal from you (and your books) over the years and am grateful for everything you so graciously share with your audiences.

Top Rated Past Keynote Events Include

keynote speaker

Verne charges the same keynote fee (USD 50,000 for 60 minutes to 3 hours) no matter where the event is located – it shouldn’t be your burden where the speaker chooses to live. And airfare is included in the fee, leaving it up to Verne how he chooses to travel – coach, business, or first – and where he plans to be before and after the keynote. No penalty for overseas travel. A travel allowance of USD 1,000 will also be charged in order to cover hotel accommodations, ground transportation, etc. It’s always appreciated if the hotel room is on the concierge floor so Verne can grab a quick bite or drink without visiting the restaurant. And if you’re thinking about a speaker gift, he prefers to travel lite. If you must, an Amazon gift certificate is always appreciated – Verne loves to read.

The keynote fee includes up to 400 copies of Verne’s book Scaling Up – just pay the shipping costs. And we can work out a price for additional books, depending on how many more you want as a gift to the attendees. We find the participants really appreciate getting a copy of the book which reinforces Verne’s message and continues to remind them of your event as they read it. And Verne is happy to stay and autograph copies if there is time.

We’ll also provide you an electronic copy of the Growth Tools, to be used as the handout and to be printed locally. It’s another great takeaway providing value after the session and support Verne’s message.

A PDF of Verne’s slides will be available at a link which he’ll share during his presentation and you can email to the attendees afterwards. Videotaping of Verne’s presentation is fine. When used properly this can enhance an event and afford those who were unable to attend the opportunity to share in the learning.

Prior to the keynote, we’ll schedule an optional call to discuss details – though most of the time exchanging a few emails suffices and saves you time to schedule. Instead, if you prefer to use that time to host a webinar with Verne prior to the event as a way to help promote attendance, that’s included in the fee as well. We want to help you make the event a huge success.

Verne’s Video Introduction for Keynotes – Sizzle Reel

As the virtual realm becomes our new-normal, Verne now has a professional setup prepared for presenting keynotes virtually from his Boulder, CO location. Verne charges $20,000 for speaking virtually, which includes 200 copies of his book, Scaling Up. With this speaking fee, Verne utilizes a professional studio with fiber internet connection, a state-of-the-art RED 6k camera, professional lighting, boom microphones, and a white or black background.

Video Samples

Below are samples of Verne’s live and virtual presentations. 

Business Boost, Amsterdam — Jan 2020

Audience: 7,200+

Owning a Niche

Relationship Marketing


CEO Rising Virtual Summit — June 2020

W/ Jim Collins, Pat Lencioni and Ram Charan
Audience: 2,500

Your #1 KPI

Strategy: What Do We Have to Build/Rebuild?

Pivoting Your Core Capabilities

bestselling author

Start to Scale

Secrets to Starting and Scaling Any Size Organization

Start to Scale is where you and your team can begin, with the tools and techniques that have helped over 102,000 firms like yours scale. These techniques have been used by highly successful industry legends, including Dave Rogenmoser and his partners who started their firm over a weekend with the Start to Scale tools and scaled to over $1 billion in valuation (a tale so noteworthy, it’s the opening story in this book).

The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time

How Apple, Ford, IBM, Zappos, and others made radical choices that changed the course of business.

Verne Harnish, the CEO of Gazelles, and Fortune‘s editors provide the background stories behind the greatest business decisions of all time.
The book contains an insightful foreword by management guru Jim Collins, the author of Built To Last and Good To Great, which explains the importance of decision making in creating a successful company.

Scaling Up

How a Few Companies Make it…and Why the Rest Don’t (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)

“Verne Harnish is more committed to helping companies grow than any other person on the planet. Really. He’s also radically practical in his approach and that is reflected throughout this terrific book.”

– Patrick Lencioni, Best-selling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage

Scaling Up Compensation

5 Design Principles for Turning Your Largest Expense into a Strategic Advantage

Compensation is one of your largest expenses. You must turn it into a strategic advantage in attracting, retaining, and motivating talent (or not accidentally demotivating them). This book details 5 principles for designing effective compensation systems along with plenty of practical examples from leading small, medium, and large firms. Buy the Kindle edition

Contact Verne

Verne Harnish, CEO Scaling Up